This mini-site serves as companion to Moonbound, the new novel by Robin Sloan, published by MCD×FSG.

Welcome to the Dragon Moon

Cover by the best in the biz, Na Kim

My new novel, titled Moonbound, is available now. It’s a rollicking adventure in the tradition of C. S. Lewis and Ursula K. Le Guin, appro­priate for preco­cious young readers and voracious genre veterans alike.

You can get your copy wherever books are sold. Allow me to suggest Barnes & Noble.

Moonbound is published in the U.S. by my longtime collab­o­ra­tors at MCD×FSG.

Apple Books says:

Thoughtful, often hilarious, and genuinely exciting, Moonbound reminds us of the work of J. R. R. Tolkien, but with Terry Pratchett’s sense of humor.

The brilliant Cory Doctorow says:

This is doing fiction in hard mode, and Sloan nails it.

Ten-year-old Orion says:




Notes on influence

The grand designer was mortal after all

The Lord of the Rings & J. R. R. Tolkien

Discovering donegality

The Chronicles of Narnia & C. S. Lewis

Muscular imagination

The Culture & Iain M. Banks

A challenge to herself

Earthsea & Ursula K. Le Guin

Just give me a checklist

The Dark Is Rising & Susan Cooper

The great invention

His Dark Materials & Philip Pullman

The ultimate vision

Nausicäa and the Valley of the Wind & Hayao Miyazaki